Sunday, August 2, 2009


So, since this themes archiving feature is a bit weird im going to set up some links to the different sections of my site.

Heres to how to get the emo style
1 Some tips
2 Face shapes
3 A thorough post on how to dress

Heres to pictures of emo hair
1 Some guy cuts Here are some other cuts too!
2 A cool hairstyle
3 Click on the link in this post to view a gallery of styles!
4 Some girl hairstyles!
5 Even MORE!!
6 Emo Dude
1 My top 10 emo bands!
2 A truck load of emo pics and what to do during the summer!
3 Being emo or scene can help get you layed! Find out how right HERE
4 And heres tips and tricks on how to get with girls!
5 Heres how to get with guys!
6 A SICK site to get free stuff!
7 Heres Alex Evans website "The best emo hairstyles for girls and guys on
the web along with lots of pictures of emo hairstyles"